Institutional Effectiveness & Research
Mission and Objectives of IER
IER Objective:
Brewton-Parker College Strategic Plan
☐ 1. Integrate spiritual development into all aspects of the college experience.
☒ 2. Increase enrollment and retention for Christian impact in the community and culture.
☒ 3. Expand and enhance academic services to support student achievement.
☐ 4. Manage all college resources with integrity, prudence, accountability, and continued improvement.
Disability Services In order to serve our students and allow them to be successful in the classroom, the Office of the Provost seeks to provide reasonable accommodations to all students with disabilities or impairments within an efficient time frame. |
Each semester, pull all accommodated students’ class schedules and inform each student’s current instructors of the student’s learning accommodations via email |
E-mail all accommodation notices within 24-hours of drop/add |
☐ 1. Integrate spiritual development into all aspects of the college experience.
☐ 2. Increase enrollment and retention for Christian impact in the community and culture.
☒ 3. Expand and enhance academic services to support student achievement.
☐ 4. Manage all college resources with integrity, prudence, accountability, and continued improvement.
Upon completion of the library orientation in either LIB 000 or BPC 100, students will be able to find resources in the Fountain-New Library by using KOHA and the Library of Congress Classification system, as well as locate sources for research using GALILEO. | Students take quizzes at the completion of both the online LIB 000 orientation course and the in-person BPC 100 library orientation tour. In addition to the quiz questions related to the use of KOHA and GALILEO, BPC 100 students also participate in the “Shelfies” activity. | Average quiz score of 90 or higher for the academic year |
The Fountain-New Library seeks to track and increase student usage of the library and library resources in order to increase and improve student learning. | Student usage will be tracked based on three criteria: number of students who enter the library, number of students who attend library-sponsored events, and number of circulation checkouts. Student satisfaction with surveys will be measured via the annual student satisfaction surveys. |
Year-over-year increases in students utilizing the library, attendance at library-sponsored events, and the number of circulation checkouts. Minimum of 80% agreement rate for every question regarding library services on the annual student satisfaction survey. |
☐ 1. Integrate spiritual development into all aspects of the college experience.
☒ 2. Increase enrollment and retention for Christian impact in the community and culture.
☒ 3. Expand and enhance academic services to support student achievement.
☒ 4. Manage all college resources with integrity, prudence, accountability, and continued improvement.
The Office of the Registrar seeks to provide timely and accurate service for students in the areas of registration and scheduling management, academic records maintenance, transcript production, enrollment verification, and graduation audits. |
Processing registration changes (change of major, change of schedule) upon request |
within 2 business days of receiving request |
Processing the closing of a term and providing necessary departmental data |
within 2 business days of the end of the semester |
Processing transcript requests |
within 2 business days |
Timely submission of National Student Clearinghouse error resolution reports |
Within 2 business days |
Completion of graduation audits |
within 30 days of receiving student’s Application for Graduation |
Processing other student registration request items |
within 2 business days |
transition from Student hard (paper) files to Student Electronic files for the new students, starting in fall 2020 |
Write a protocol/process on how to organize and manage the Student Electronic files in Registrar’s shared drive by October 31, 2020 Move all files by March 2021 |
☐ 1. Integrate spiritual development into all aspects of the college experience.
☒ 2. Increase enrollment and retention for Christian impact in the community and culture.
☐ 3. Expand and enhance academic services to support student achievement.
☒ 4. Manage all college resources with integrity, prudence, accountability, and continued improvement.
Provide fast and effective technological assistance to faculty, students, and staff by responding to technological concerns | Respond to technology support ticket requests in a timely manner and implement timely and effective solutions |
Ticket responses must occur within 5-8 business hours of receipt Customer satisfaction ratings – minimum 80% rating 4 or higher |
Provide adequate academic computer centers for class use and student use. |
Increase and maintain the number of computers in computer labs and classrooms on campus. |
Satisfaction rating for available technological resources of 80% rating 4 or higher Year-over-year increase in faculty use of the computer labs on campus to host classes (integrating technology with learning) |
Support faculty so that they may create high-quality student learning experiences in both the classroom and online. |
Provide training opportunities and technology upgrades and purchases to assist faculty in their teaching pursuits Maintain and continually upgrade faculty classroom technology based on availability of resources and new trends |
Facilitate a minimum of 2 faculty training events each year Faculty satisfaction with classroom computer and non-computer technology – minimum 50% rating a 4 or higher |
☐ 1. Integrate spiritual development into all aspects of the college experience.
☒ 2. Increase enrollment and retention for Christian impact in the community and culture.
☒ 3. Expand and enhance academic services to support student achievement.
☐ 4. Manage all college resources with integrity, prudence, accountability, and continued improvement.
Academic Success Center The Academic Success Center seeks to provide academic support to students through tutoring services, test proctoring, and academic interventions. |
Provide free tutoring services Track the following: # of students serviced |
Increase tutoring hours by 20% |
Provide test proctoring services for students with documented disabilities Track the following: # of tests proctored |
Respond and schedule testing requests within 24 business hours of receipt of the request |
Provide academic intervention for those students referred by faculty Track the following: Academic or attendance progress of referred students |
20% average increase in academic achievement or student attendance for those students identified by faculty or through the automated attendance system | |
Career Development Center The Career Development Center seeks to give students the opportunity to learn and apply all aspects of career development, including work ethic, career choices, the value of a college degree, resume and cover letter development, and interview skills. |
Provide the resources and venues to be successful upon graduation. Track the following: # of webinars/training sessions hosted # of attendees |
Increase the number of educational and career training workshops by 20%. Increase the career fair attendance by 10% |
☐ 1. Integrate spiritual development into all aspects of the college experience.
☒ 2. Increase enrollment and retention for Christian impact in the community and culture.
☐ 3. Expand and enhance academic services to support student achievement.
☒ 4. Manage all college resources with integrity, prudence, accountability, and continued improvement.
Provide effective campus visit opportunities for prospective students and successfully inform students of all pertinent information during those visits. | At the completion of each student visit, whether one-on-one tours, athletic team tours, or preview days, have prospective students and parents to complete a satisfaction survey. |
95% of campus visits will be rated four or better |
Award and package all student financial aid within an efficient time frame. |
Run a report from our systems database, Collegix, which discloses the receipt of a student’s FAFSA, as well as the financial aid award package date. | Complete and send award package information within 30 days of receiving a student’s FAFSA |
☒ 1. Integrate spiritual development into all aspects of the college experience.
☒ 2. Increase enrollment and retention for Christian impact in the community and culture.
☒ 3. Expand and enhance academic services to support student achievement.
☒ 4. Manage all college resources with integrity, prudence, accountability, and continued improvement.
Facilitate the development or deepening of students’ relationships with God, engagement in service, and integration of aspects of the Christian calling into their everyday lives. |
Mentoring, counseling, discipleship opportunities, provision of service opportunities, chapel Track the number of faith decisions (developing relationship = new believers, deepened relationships = rededications); track the number of students engaged in community and Christian service; subjective observation of Christian impact on those students noted above |
Minimum 5 Bible studies, either student or staff led, available for students to participate in 5% increase in student decisions as a percentage of student body as compared to last year |
Provide quality on-campus housing for students | Improve the timeliness of the housing assignment process and the registration and retention of current residential students through the Residence Hall Student Self-Selection process. |
Room assignments completed by July 1 each year for returning students and new students who have completed all paperwork. 10% decrease in room change requests each year (due to students self-selecting their rooms and roommates) |
Maintain a culture of safety and responsibility for students, faculty, and staff on the Mt. Vernon campus. | Campus security will monitor camera feeds for safety concerns and facilitate safety training for students and staff. |
Complete 100% of required fire drills on time Decrease safety and security incidents year-over-year |
Provide a variety of recreational activities for students on the Mt. Vernon campus in order to connect students in social settings and promote the mission of the college. |
This objective will be assessed based on the number and types of games and activities provided in the student center and throughout campus. Lastly, the Student Activities Department will track the number of students using and participating in the recreational activities. |
Increase the number of activities each year Increase student participation by 10% year-over-year |
☐ 1. Integrate spiritual development into all aspects of the college experience.
☐ 2. Increase enrollment and retention for Christian impact in the community and culture.
☐ 3. Expand and enhance academic services to support student achievement.
☒ 4. Manage all college resources with integrity, prudence, accountability, and continued improvement.
Maintain a comprehensive institutional assessment cycle. | Create an assessment calendar for all areas requiring data submission, review, and improvement. Provide updates and reminders to employees, as well as work with administration to obtain timely submission of requested data and reports. | Complete all 5 components of institutional planning on time |
Student Achievement
Description of Measures
National Student Clearinghouse Completion Rate
The NSC Completion Rate tracks the six-year graduation rate of the fall semester cohort of degree-seeking, first-time college students enrolled either part-time or full-time for more than 21 days. The rate includes former dual enrollment students, as well as students who first entered college the summer prior to the fall semester. This rate differs from the IPEDS graduation rate below, because it tracks students’ degree completion from any college or university in the country (provided that the school participates in the National Student Clearinghouse data sharing program).
Student Retention Rate
This rate measures fall-to-fall retention of Mount Vernon day students. Students who graduated are excluded.
Course Completion Rate
This measures the rate at which students successfully complete their courses with grades of D or higher each semester (fall/spring). This rate excludes students in the Georgia Baptist, Corrections, and Dual Enrollment programs.
IPEDS 150% Graduation Rate
The IPEDS graduation rate tracks the rate at which the cohort of first-time, full-time students who entered Brewton-Parker College 6 years ago remained at and graduated from Brewton-Parker College. Thus, students who transfer into Brewton-Parker College are not included, nor are students who transfer out of Brewton-Parker College.
Writing Proficiency Rate
This rate tracks the percentage of students who took and successfully passed ENG 101 in 2019-2020 with a C or higher the first time they take it. This rate does not include students who take ENG 101 as dually-enrolled students or those who took ENG 101 at a different college or university. It also excludes students who did not complete the course (withdrawals or removals).
Community & Christian Involvement
This measure tracks the number of students involved in community service or Christian services on campus or in the surrounding area. Examples of service include but are not limited to Baptist Christian Ministries, Ministerial Association, campus chapel services, mission trips, Lions’ Den conferences, apologetics and other workshops, and any type of community service work whether for class, sport, or personal transformation.
Faculty Professional Development
Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA)
Toni Banks
Effectiveness and Research